Cloth Diapering for Dummies

Cloth Diapering for Dummies

When Laurelin was born, I was pretty determined to try cloth diapering but I was so intimidated. There are so many methods to cloth diapering, ranging from the old school, cost-effective pre-folds to the more modern but expensive all-in-ones. With the many different methods of cloth diapering, there are also varying degrees of learning curve. [...]

Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July

I started examining my relationship with single-use plastic and waste in 2015 (during Plastic Free July 2015's campaign). For the next few years, I considered myself "zero waste". I seldom use that term anymore when talking to people who are newer to making sustainable choices. Instead, I use the term "low waste", as I think [...]

DIY Wool Dryer Balls

DIY Wool Dryer Balls

This is probably my favorite DIY, period. Making my own dryer balls was probably one of my first zero waste switches.  My skin is very sensitive to synthetic fragrances.  Dryer sheets makes my skin very itchy, so I've always opted not to use them.  Also, there are some debate out there that dryer sheets might [...]

DIY Body Butter

DIY Body Butter

This is my all-time favorite body butter recipe.  I make big batches of this over the holidays as handmade gifts.  You can buy all of the ingredients in either minimal packaging or simply package free.  It's so luxurious and it has improved my skin drastically.  The great thing about this is that you can customize [...]